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Biography |
Freemasons |
A few famous freemasons
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Biographies index
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Fringe freemasons
Customs & paraphernalia |
Jewellery |
Index |
Handcrafted cufflink c.1875.
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Regalia |
Index |
Grand Lodge officers' jewels
Lodge pins
Masonic regalia
Master Mason apron
Israel Wood Powells regalia, c. 1865
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Music |
Index |
Masonic Ode mp3 music file
The Masons Apron mp3 music file
Essays and papers |
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Anti-masonry |
Index |
Abyssus Errorum
alt.illuminati FAQ
Anti-masonry FAQ
Anti-Masonic Society
BC Catholic bears false witness
BC Catholic apologizes
BC Catholic publishes retraction
Big Book of Conspiracies refuted
Abel Claren de la Rive
Dispensational Fundamentalism
Falsifiers of the Talmud
First anti-masonic attack
Freemasonry is not a religion
Fundamentalism and Freemasonry
Gormogons and the Duke of Wharton
Illuminati Order of Bavaria
Lie of luciferianism
Morgan Affair
Myth of the Baphomet
Mythology of the Secret Societies
Nesta H. Websters Secret Societies
None Dare Call It Conspiracy refuted
Papal encyclicals
Parodies of Freemasonry
Pentagrams and Freemasonry
Albert Pike and the Ku Klux Klan
Protocols of the Elders of Zion: fraud
Responding to the critics
John Robison and the Abbé Barruel
Satans plan in the streets of Washington DC
Léo Taxil: publicly confessed fraud
Léo Taxil: his full confession
Report of Léo Taxils confession
Rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem
Venus and the Pentagram
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Biographical notes |
British Columbias masonic Premiers
Elias Ashmole
Francis Bacon
Canadas masonic Prime Ministers
Aleister Crowley
Henry J. DeForest
Rudyard Kipling
Albert Pike
William Wynn Westcott [AQC]
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The apron and its symbolism [AQC]
The use of scripture
Masonic Mottoes
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Cancer Car program
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Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, selected papers & subject index (1886-1985)
Bavarian Illuminati
Famous freemasons
Founding of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia
Freemasonry in British Columbia
Freemasonry in the Yukon Territory
Fringe Masonry in England 1870-85 [AQC]
Grand Masters of BC & Yukon, 1871-1971
History of Freemasonry in Canada
King Solomon's Temple : illustrations and models
The Kneph and John Yarker
Legend of the Quatuor Coronati [AQC]
Lodgehalls of British Columbia & Yukon
Marys Chapel; the second oldest masonic minute
Matthew Cooke Manuscript (1450 c.)
Matthew Cooke Manuscript (Speth translation) [AQC]
Ordinances of Laborers for England
Thomas Paines theory on the origins of Freemasonry
Regius Poem or Halliwell Manuscript (1390c.)
Sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt
Statutes of Edward VI
Statutes of Henry VI
Theories of masonic history
Transition Theory
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Constitutions 1723
| Charges of a freemason
A.F. & A.M. defined
Anno Lucis
Anno Lucis explained [AQC]
Anno Mundi
Joining Freemasonry
Landmarks of the Order
Landmarks discussed
History of the Landmarks
Quitting Freemasonry
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Of masonic interest
Book reviews
The Byrom Collection
The Freemasons by Jasper Ridley [PDF]
The Hiram Key
The Invisible College
The Master's Emblem
Rosslyn, Guardians of the Holy Grail
Secret Zodiacs of Washington, DC
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| History
The Chinese Freemasons
Public perceptions of Freemasonry
The Magna Carta (English with Latin)
The Magna Carta (Latin textfile)
Masonic interments
Old Charges
Victoria area cemeteries
Mountain View Cemetery, Vancouver
Revealed: The secret of Oak Island
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Liberal Arts & Sciences
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Poetry of Robert Burns
Palmer Cox's Brownies
Goethe's poetry
Rudyard Kipling and Freemasonry
Robert Service's poetry
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| Natural philosophy
Freemasonry and science
The Rosetta Stone
Royal Society
Space exploration
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| Other societies
Free Gardeners
Illuminati of Bavaria
The Odd Fellows
Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes
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Masonic curiousities
Masonic references in cinema
Masonic references in fine art
Masonic references in literature
Masonic references in music
Masonic references in nonfiction
Masonic references on radio
Masonic references in television
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Women in Masonry
American Federation of Human Rights
Hon. Mrs. Aldworth
Women freemasons
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The ideal of a freemason
An overview of Freemasonry
Albert Pikes "Morals and Dogma"
Position on politics and religion
Religious leaders speak out on Freemasonry
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Ars Quatuor Coronatorum
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Grand Masonic Day
Vancouver Grand Masonic Day, 1999
Vancouver Grand Masonic Day, 2000
Vancouver Grand Masonic Day, 2002
Vancouver Grand Masonic Day, 2003
Vancouver Grand Masonic Day, 2004
Vancouver Grand Masonic Day, 2005
Vancouver Grand Masonic Day, 2006
Vancouver Grand Masonic Day, 2007
Fraser Valley Grand Masonic Day, 2007
Fraser Valley Grand Masonic Day, 2008
Fraser Valley Grand Masonic Day, 2010
Lower Mainland Grand Masonic Day, 2011
Lower Mainland Grand Masonic Day, 2012
Grand Masonic Day, 2013
Grand Masonic Day, 2014
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The all-seeing eye
The iconographic eye
The all-seeing eye in popular fiction
The all-seeing eye in commercial art
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The apron and its symbolism [AQC]
The Bee
Angle of the compasses
The Cable Tow
Globes, Pillars and Columns
Golden Ratio and the pentagram
The letter "G"
Masonic symbols in China
Monument to the Master Mason
The moon
The Pondering Chamber
The Serpent
The Square
The Sword
History of the Tracing Boards
Tracing Boards, English working, 20th century
Tracing Boards, English working, 19th century
Master's Chart, American working
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Notes on the Address to the Brethren
Antient and Primitive Rite of Masonry
Concordant bodies and their degrees
Degrees of recognized masonic bodies
The Swedish Rite
Grand Lodge of
British Columbia
& Yukon |
Grand Lodge Office |
Annual Communication 2022
Grand Masters' Installation and Annual Addresses
Information for non-members
Information for members
Masonic Bulletin Archives September 1937 - June 2013
Lodge members' resources [Password protected]
Lodge secretaries' resources [Password protected]
Website Colophon
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Calendars |
Grand Masters Calendar, 2019-2020
Calendars of Events and meetings
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Committees |
Ashlar College
Registration form
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Community Relations
Guidelines for masonic websites
Statement regarding online masonic discussion
Regulations for masonic websites
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Fraternal Relations
Recognized Grand jurisdictions
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Promotional videos
Masonic Leadership & Ladies Conference 2014
Masonic Civility Initiative
Masonic Best Practices
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Library and Archives |
Archives and museum
Library at Grand Lodge
History of the Grand Lodge Seal
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Lodge Buildings
Lodge halls of British Columbia & Yukon
Maps to Lodge halls of British Columbia & Yukon
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Masonic Commission
2002 Survey responses
The current state of Freemasonry in Britain
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Directories |
Lodge Directory for this jurisdiction
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Events |
2021 Grand Lodge Annual Communication
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Information |
Aims and Relations of Freemasonry
Attraction of Freemasonry
Cancer Car Project
Concordant and appendant organizations
Freemasonry and religion
Masonic Family
Responding to the critics of Freemasonry
What people have said about Freemasonry
What religious leaders have said about Freemasonry
BC Grand Masters, 1871-2019
Graphics, images and illustrations | Index of graphic images
Architecture |
Giacomo da Vignola, Architettura del Baroccio da Vignola
Villard de Honnecourt, Mediaeval architect
Freemasons Hall, London
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Art |
Andersons Constitutions Frontispiece" "Genius of Masonry"
Compasses in art
William Blakes The Ancient of Days
Albrecht Dürers Astronomer
Albrecht Dürers Melencolia
Albrecht Dürers Portrait of an Architect
Il Guercinos Raising the Master
Mediaeval Bible Moralisée circa 1250.
Masonic references in fine art
The three Graces
The three virtues
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Symbols |
Boston Type masonic cuts, 1832
Downloadable print quality images
The snake clasp on masonic aprons
George Kennings masonic cuts
Sun and moon from John Yarkers The Kneph
Time and the Virgin (Monument to a Master Mason): 12 variations
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Web images |
Animated graphics
Buttons for the web
Editorial banners from The Square (With print-quality versions)
Illustrations for the web (With print-quality versions)
Hi-res masonic images (With print-quality versions)
Principal Officers jewels (With print-quality versions)
The square and compasses, variations (with print-quality versions)
History |
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British Columbia and Yukon |
British Columbia Grand Masters
British Columbias masonic Premiers
First Lodge meeting in British Columbia
Formation of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia
Freemasonry in British Columbia
Freemasonry in the Yukon Territory
Masonic interments
Victoria area cemeteries
Mountain View Cemetery, Vancouver
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Canada |
Canadas masonic Prime Ministers
Historical highlights of Freemasonry in Canada, 1634-1871
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International |
Ancient Free and Accepted; explained
Andersons Constitutions of 1723
Biographies and pictures of famous freemasons
Cooke Manuscript
Ordinance of Laborers for England
Prominent freemasons, past and present
Regius Poem (Halliwell Manuscript)
Sloane manuscripts
Timeline of history
Transition Theory of masonic history
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Philippines |
The Philippine Flag - its masonic roots
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Morgan Affair
The masonic street plan of Sandusky, Ohio
New England and the Bavarian Illuminati
Index |
Bro. Norm McEvoy's The Educator (2003-2021)
Links to Grand Lodge websites
Links to websites of masonic interest
Links to lodge websites
Links to appendant body websites
Links to concordant body websites
Prince Hall Freemasonry
Vancouver Masonic Service Bureau